Saturday, March 30, 2013


Photos// Amndasly

I secretly wish that  I've a life filled with hope,aspirations,money and a dream.  
For that, I'm going to design an application called HOPE.
A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.


We always need a little support in life. No matter what we do, we want affirmation, we want people to take notice, we want people to show appreciation, praise us. But in reality, we don't get that.

People in general aren't as nice. As a fellow human,I've to admit that I'm a selfish, self centered spoilt bitch. I don't show appreciation, i hate saying sorry, I love praises( who doesn't) and I get really upset if someone ain't getting my art work or criticize it.

Maybe there's still some nice soul out there whom I've yet to meet. Maybe I'm making a very poor generalization on human as a whole selfish organism. Maybe I'm just too coup up in my own world to believe that nice people do exists.

Whatever it is.


It came to a point in my life where I found myself facing a quarter life crisis. Because of hormones, my face had raged a terrible war of pimples. I used to have nice complexion till I was 19. Hormones chose to invade after 19 and left quite a mess on my face. I'm retreating into my den till death comes knocking on my door.


Thursday, March 28, 2013


Dear Lord,

I have been clueless for half my life without you. I felt lost and alone at times but somehow I just felt that you are there watching over me. Your presence, I felt it. The prayers that I hardly said and when I do, I felt a pang of guilt because I'm praying for benefit. Have I let you down, oh dear Lord? I want you back in my life and I want to pick up my broken pieces together with You, my Lord.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I always thought to myself how my life will change if I were to take the giant leap of faith and do something really out of the ordinary, something extraordinary and wild and a little bit crazy. Will I be different? Will I be satisfied? Will I be happier?

Choices are made and sometimes mistakes do happened. We may kill ourselves over it, we may just shrug it off, we may just ignore it. Mistakes are part and parcel of life. It shaped us, mould us and made us stronger.

What do I really want in life. Will I questioned myself in the future over choices made or even come to regret. Life is one whole major exam and i really wish that I'm able to excel in it in this lifetime.

Sunday, March 24, 2013



ART JAMMING at a small studio with parrots screaming 'Oh my God and shut up' right at your ear. I was whining that my painting is so ugly and the teacher was at least nice to say that my background looked good. This is so dreadful. 失败是成功之母!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Photographed// Amndasly 

A  photograph of a firework that I took and edited it to look like splatters of watercolor paint.
As for the green,I'm just loving the tone.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


i5 Photography// Asly

Sun gives light, light falls on thing and thing reflects light to cast shadow.

See how a lamp became redundant to us during the day because of sunshine. 看见曙光了吗?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Books are knowledge that you need to feed your mind and soul with. Reading could be for pleasure, for entertainment, for wisdom and for thrill. Guilty as charged, I felt like a pauper, poor without knowledge. 你读了吗?

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Yeonju Sung// Wearable Foods

1. Bubble gum 2.Lotus roots 3.Eggplants 4.Tomatoes

Cooking with the heart and soul can produced any dishes that beat any Michelin restaurants food. I love cooking but definitely not the washing up that comes with it. Eeks. 煮!


Eating goes much deeper than just filling your stomach. Every meal eaten is a joy and a blessing. Talking over a meal can create opportunities, bonds, laughters,hopes and tears. 你吃了吗?

1.Claypot Frog legs at Chinatown 2.Fried Ebi egg roe Maki at Sun with Moon 3.Beef Bimbimbap at Seoul Yummy 4. Samsui Chicken at Soup Restaurant 5. Cream Chicken at Poulet 6. Milo at 阿旺

Julia Stone is a pure talent. Her voice so raw and indie. Never regret paying to watch her perform even if its only for an hour. 天才

Saturday, March 16, 2013


My dad inherited a stretch of shophouses in Siglap( where the famous cheesecake cafe is right now) from my great grandfather. But that was all in the past. How wonderful it would have been if I could have a cosy shophouse that sells cute pastries and weird antiques. 你寻找梦想了吗?

Shophouses at Chinatown

/| 角度 |\

The different angles you choose to take can bring a whole different perspective in photographs. Just like in my B&W photos, what appeared to be a ceiling could turned out looking like a door.

Be it in photos or in reality, endless possibilities or outcomes can be derived when we approached things in different angles. 换个角度来看世界吧!

Friday, March 15, 2013


I believe that home is a place where inspirations manifest. The little knick knacks found at home can be the mother of every ingenious idea formed. Let your mind wonder and perform your very own magic. 你想了吗?