Saturday, April 20, 2013


A typical Sunday morning blessed with great weather, awesome dining experience and a lovely company of family. Every Sunday ought to be like this.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Painting of my nails, blending of fruit juice- (on a eat clean diet) and a photo of a pretty rose chocolate ice-cream I have gotten online.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Transparency, I've nothing to hide.

To make this clutch 
Materials// A clear A4 size file, transparent thread, infinity hooks(cut and reuse from my old bracelet),bracelet clasps

Cut the A4 file into your desired size.
Sew both the sides
Cut tiny vertical slits at the bottom using penknife, slowly put the infinity hooks through the slits.
Fold top part and add in clasp in the middle.


Made by ASLY

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Happy Birthday to my dearest BFF Daphne Chen . Today is of cos a very special day for you. Sincerely wishing you happiness in everything that you pursue.  

Happy Birthday Diane! May happiness come knocking at your doorstep everyday.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


This is what people with so much time in their hands can accomplished- eating, cooking and doing manicure.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Saturday, April 6, 2013


My great satisfaction comes from producing really tasty beautiful food not only in taste but also in appearance. The joy I get when I sank my teeth onto the food and leaving my mouth wanting for more until what is left is an empty plate in front of me.

Ohhh! My love for food has grown tremendously over the years. From a girl who used to eat very little to a a woman who ate like there's no tomorrow. I developed a new appreciation for food, be it cooking or eating it;I always strived for the best meal to eat and to produce!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I'm just feeling a little blue in this rain.


Trying to do at least one simple design per day. Practice makes perfect right!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

One thing I had learnt from designing is to always start with a sketch.
No matter how ugly or abstract it gets, as long as you understand what you are drawing, it doesn't matter. Let the flow of idea take over your hand and draw freely on the paper. Trust me, you will definitely produce the best masterpiece ever in your life.

Design// Amndasly

Monday, April 1, 2013


My idea of recreation of boring signboards.
No smoking, no speeding, no touching and no talking.


A personal statement that I've designed and wrote for  one of the assignment.
Reject or Accept?