Sunday, June 9, 2013

Today post could probably be the most feelings i have ever injected into it.

Talking about kinship,friendship and blood ties, which one do you treasure the most?
For me, its any of the three that brought me the most loves and benefits?

It doesn't matter if we are even related by blood but as long as you treat me well, I will definitely treat you even better. I admit that I'm not the most generous person who will give for the sake of giving without any returns. I love receiving whatever I give back because to me receiving shows your form of appreciation to me. Its that feeling you get that gives you those warm pricks at the bottom of your heart that someone actually appreciate you. Yes, that warm sensation.

I'm so honoured that I've received this particular feeling from a few friends though to start with I hardly have any friends. For that, I'm thankful.

Kinship of course, the one that bound us by blood. Our parents, our siblings, our grandparents, our relatives. I'm sure everyone by now know how close I had of a relationship with my parents. It came to a point that I will feel lost if they were gone.(CHOY AH!). But still I can't help thinking of where I will be let's say thirty years down the road. A spinster, a successful entrepreneur, a great designer, a lost art soul or a housewife?

 My mom, although she maybe a little insensitive at times, always saying the wrong things at the wrong time to me but actually deep down I knew she wants the best for me. Ok, I do bully my mama sometimes too so i'm not all saint too. She always called me her mother-in-law because I have the tendency to boss her around.

My dad, up till now my dad is kinda like my best friend. Last time when most people said I resembled my dad, i get easily piss or upset because come on who will ever want to look like your dad unless he's Andy Lau or Daniel Wu. Now, I just take it into my strike. Let them say all they want, It doesn't really bother me anymore. Maybe its my maturity kicking in or maybe I'm not too tense up on this because I have more depressing things that upset me. Okok back to my dad! My dad is the most supportive dad ever. Sometimes I really feel guilty spending so much money on my education( having to fail so many modules) and now I'm going on to another institution to pursue my interest in the arts. I have this fear that captivated me. They said that 'Arts feed your soul" but does it actually feeds you literally. I do not want to starve monetarily. I guess that I have to face up my fear and just really go for it, to constantly tell myself to work hard, perform well and not to give up if setback comes to me.

as for the sista,I practically leeched on her. She pays for my every entertainment in fact because I'm the world's niao person. She is a sister everyone will wish for. HAHAHA. so mushy bet she can't stand it but doubt she ever know this blog existed or maybe she knows but she doesn't read it.

As for relatives, guess that we are just bound my blood but with no emotional feelings or ties. I may be curt to say it but in most of our cases, don't you think how scarily true it is.

You may think that I am the most self centered and selfish people to base the power of a relationship by the returns you have received. I can even be closer to a stranger that do kind deeds to me then a relative with same blood ties but with stinky attitude directed to you. And isn't it true that receiving things from others( be it gifts or praises) can actually build a strong relationship overtime.

This boils down to the way you treat people in life. Don't say I never share but if you want people to care about you, please show it and not keep it in your heart. If the person treats you like shit, tell yourself you don't deserve this shit and do what do you do with shit, you flushed those bad people away just like how you flushed your shit down the toilet bowl.(sorry for being too figurative)

 I always believe in this that you are the ONLY ONE that can treat yourself badly, as for the others they don't have the right to do so.

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