Sunday, October 13, 2013

I am who I want to be

How can a future designer not know how to draw?

Oh well, hello there, I don't.

As i gawked at my fellow friend's drawing or scanned the entire art room all i see is a freaking good looking piece of drawing. I stared at my own and shook my head in disbelief. How can I not have the flare to draw? I enter this course without any drawing talent. OHMY!!!

I shall not continue to bury myself in my own self-pity and start practising my drawing. Start with the basic and stopped procrastinating. Make art your own style not copy art. you don't have to be perfect. Please learnt to make lots of mistakes only then will you be able to learn for it.

If you are so talented or perfect, why the need for school. Be bold and believe yourself. Don't let self-doubt kill you, its lethal.

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