Thursday, October 10, 2013


Sometimes when I tell the truth, it will put people into disbelief. When I claimed that I work on illustrator for less than 5 times, people ain't gonna believe it. But it's true. It took me since Monday to Thursday to complete It but I fake saying a week cos 4 days are ways too short to produce this work. Truth is I worked my ass off it. I practically google to use the perspective grid, to create dimension in the font, frantically downloading fonts to suit the theme. 

I feel that people now am seeing me as a competition. I dare not say I'm a fabulous designer or skillful knowledgeable who is great in softwares. But I can feel that I'm being watched. People that don't talk to me in class starts talking?! Err.. Ok. 

I have so much things to learn still. Of cos, I do get lots of inspiration online and like every designer's dream I just want my designs to inspire people too. 

So less procrastination and relax take a deep breath and keep designing!!

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