Monday, November 25, 2013

Being Spontaneous

I suddenly was gripped by the word "Spontaneous" after watching a fashion project show.

I just love how the way it sounded. How sexy it is when it's being spoken, the meaning of it. In life, all i ever wanted was to have a taste of being spontaneous. No plans needed but just a pocket full of money and some common sense to embark on a journey solo. Mind you, that I hardly have faith in myself on being independent. But as I grow up, I slowly relinquished on the idea of always being in a pack. I tend to favour being a loner. Maybe its the lone wolf instinct in me kicking, to run free and go solo. Ok I have to admit there are times in which I craved to be loved and to love someone. But yet I don't think I have found myself loving anyone but myself.

Here I am being 23 and mind you again, I'm still studying while being surrounded by an awfully number of young people. I have an old soul so I have a hard time interacting with young people. Sigh. wassup life. Please give me some honey to taste?

Friday, November 22, 2013


I am stuck in a monotony rut that I had carved out for myself. The saying that said that "Destiny is in your hands"holds so much truth in it. Am I basically rotting inside out? The lack of interaction and motivation just gripped me so tightly, leaving me gasping for my very own breath. I told myself:" I'm more than just THIS." So what is this?

This is a boring girl who do not dare to take the first step, always afraid of making mistake, always afraid of being judge. YAK YAK YAK. She's basically afraid of everything. Failure is like a monster living under her bed. She's so uptight and constantly afraid of looking under her bed. But if does take the first step and conquer her fears, she may just discover a whole new galaxy awaiting her. The endless possibilities that she can create and how she can influence everyone in their lives. You are more than merely this. YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS.

I initially wanted to write a self pitying post but I always ended up with a self motivation post. Seems like my fingers are always the one encouraging me on. I love my fingers. HAHAHA.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Fun Facts about Alpinestones


"I'm really grateful for the few that always believe in me and support my shop."

I believe in only selling things that I really like so perhaps this is why my business is still surviving in its 4th month. My concept is 'I sell what I will buy'. 

I like things that are unique and one-of-a-kind. 

Alpinestones is born in the month of JULY 2013.
(We are 4 months old)

Alpinestones only consists of a one person team as it's a relatively new start-up.

We will expand it to a instock shop by next year.(A goal which I strived to attain)

We currently do not have an official logo
(But we soon will in a few months time)

Our layout of our shop is minimalistic and straightforward.
(No irritating advertisements, new arrival at home page)

We reply to invoice within 24 hours.

We love interacting with customers.

I ever thought of giving up on ALPS but somehow in my bones I knew this store will be a success if I were to be motivated to actively promote it. This is one of the longest blogshop I ever had and I will by all means make it work!

xoxo, AMANDA