Monday, November 25, 2013

Being Spontaneous

I suddenly was gripped by the word "Spontaneous" after watching a fashion project show.

I just love how the way it sounded. How sexy it is when it's being spoken, the meaning of it. In life, all i ever wanted was to have a taste of being spontaneous. No plans needed but just a pocket full of money and some common sense to embark on a journey solo. Mind you, that I hardly have faith in myself on being independent. But as I grow up, I slowly relinquished on the idea of always being in a pack. I tend to favour being a loner. Maybe its the lone wolf instinct in me kicking, to run free and go solo. Ok I have to admit there are times in which I craved to be loved and to love someone. But yet I don't think I have found myself loving anyone but myself.

Here I am being 23 and mind you again, I'm still studying while being surrounded by an awfully number of young people. I have an old soul so I have a hard time interacting with young people. Sigh. wassup life. Please give me some honey to taste?

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