Monday, November 25, 2013

Being Spontaneous

I suddenly was gripped by the word "Spontaneous" after watching a fashion project show.

I just love how the way it sounded. How sexy it is when it's being spoken, the meaning of it. In life, all i ever wanted was to have a taste of being spontaneous. No plans needed but just a pocket full of money and some common sense to embark on a journey solo. Mind you, that I hardly have faith in myself on being independent. But as I grow up, I slowly relinquished on the idea of always being in a pack. I tend to favour being a loner. Maybe its the lone wolf instinct in me kicking, to run free and go solo. Ok I have to admit there are times in which I craved to be loved and to love someone. But yet I don't think I have found myself loving anyone but myself.

Here I am being 23 and mind you again, I'm still studying while being surrounded by an awfully number of young people. I have an old soul so I have a hard time interacting with young people. Sigh. wassup life. Please give me some honey to taste?

Friday, November 22, 2013


I am stuck in a monotony rut that I had carved out for myself. The saying that said that "Destiny is in your hands"holds so much truth in it. Am I basically rotting inside out? The lack of interaction and motivation just gripped me so tightly, leaving me gasping for my very own breath. I told myself:" I'm more than just THIS." So what is this?

This is a boring girl who do not dare to take the first step, always afraid of making mistake, always afraid of being judge. YAK YAK YAK. She's basically afraid of everything. Failure is like a monster living under her bed. She's so uptight and constantly afraid of looking under her bed. But if does take the first step and conquer her fears, she may just discover a whole new galaxy awaiting her. The endless possibilities that she can create and how she can influence everyone in their lives. You are more than merely this. YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS.

I initially wanted to write a self pitying post but I always ended up with a self motivation post. Seems like my fingers are always the one encouraging me on. I love my fingers. HAHAHA.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Fun Facts about Alpinestones


"I'm really grateful for the few that always believe in me and support my shop."

I believe in only selling things that I really like so perhaps this is why my business is still surviving in its 4th month. My concept is 'I sell what I will buy'. 

I like things that are unique and one-of-a-kind. 

Alpinestones is born in the month of JULY 2013.
(We are 4 months old)

Alpinestones only consists of a one person team as it's a relatively new start-up.

We will expand it to a instock shop by next year.(A goal which I strived to attain)

We currently do not have an official logo
(But we soon will in a few months time)

Our layout of our shop is minimalistic and straightforward.
(No irritating advertisements, new arrival at home page)

We reply to invoice within 24 hours.

We love interacting with customers.

I ever thought of giving up on ALPS but somehow in my bones I knew this store will be a success if I were to be motivated to actively promote it. This is one of the longest blogshop I ever had and I will by all means make it work!

xoxo, AMANDA

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Paid $15 to get scare and I indeed get spooked. As I entered the haunted house  feeling brave and what came next was screams and terror after that. Just to let you know that  I'm a coward who hang out with my sister's friends. ;)

Dad the handy man

With help of my father, I get to diy my own book binding. It's such a tough process that requires drilling and screwing. The use of various materials such as wood, metal and acrylic to produce a book binder. New technique Kay. Thought of it myself but I'm not sure if it will work. I will have my finger cross

Sunday, October 13, 2013

I am who I want to be

How can a future designer not know how to draw?

Oh well, hello there, I don't.

As i gawked at my fellow friend's drawing or scanned the entire art room all i see is a freaking good looking piece of drawing. I stared at my own and shook my head in disbelief. How can I not have the flare to draw? I enter this course without any drawing talent. OHMY!!!

I shall not continue to bury myself in my own self-pity and start practising my drawing. Start with the basic and stopped procrastinating. Make art your own style not copy art. you don't have to be perfect. Please learnt to make lots of mistakes only then will you be able to learn for it.

If you are so talented or perfect, why the need for school. Be bold and believe yourself. Don't let self-doubt kill you, its lethal.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Sometimes when I tell the truth, it will put people into disbelief. When I claimed that I work on illustrator for less than 5 times, people ain't gonna believe it. But it's true. It took me since Monday to Thursday to complete It but I fake saying a week cos 4 days are ways too short to produce this work. Truth is I worked my ass off it. I practically google to use the perspective grid, to create dimension in the font, frantically downloading fonts to suit the theme. 

I feel that people now am seeing me as a competition. I dare not say I'm a fabulous designer or skillful knowledgeable who is great in softwares. But I can feel that I'm being watched. People that don't talk to me in class starts talking?! Err.. Ok. 

I have so much things to learn still. Of cos, I do get lots of inspiration online and like every designer's dream I just want my designs to inspire people too. 

So less procrastination and relax take a deep breath and keep designing!!

Saturday, October 5, 2013


I see myself grow everyday, learning new programme skills and it always amaze me how much I can learn.

Taking on a whole new education, this 2 months have been really great to me. As usual, overthinking thing tend to be my weakness. 

Always keep it to a minimum.

Either you do your best or never.

Keep finding and it will be found.

Monday, June 17, 2013


"When life hands you lemon, squeeze it to make lemonade, sell it to earn cash. So you see, there isn't any unfortunate circumstances in life. Everything lies in your hand to create your own fate. 

I'm trying to look beyond the world and be engaged with people that is inspiring and creative. To bask in the intelligence of these significant beings, to thrill me, to inspire me and to love me as me. 

Sometimes, in the pursue of things we wish to possess so much can lead to a self-destruction of our pure soul. We need to take a step back and understand that we came into this world with nothing. Hence the possession of such material stuffs are unnecessary.

I believed in staying true to yourself. Things changed but not human.

With maturity comes responsibility."

Written by Amanda Sim


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Today post could probably be the most feelings i have ever injected into it.

Talking about kinship,friendship and blood ties, which one do you treasure the most?
For me, its any of the three that brought me the most loves and benefits?

It doesn't matter if we are even related by blood but as long as you treat me well, I will definitely treat you even better. I admit that I'm not the most generous person who will give for the sake of giving without any returns. I love receiving whatever I give back because to me receiving shows your form of appreciation to me. Its that feeling you get that gives you those warm pricks at the bottom of your heart that someone actually appreciate you. Yes, that warm sensation.

I'm so honoured that I've received this particular feeling from a few friends though to start with I hardly have any friends. For that, I'm thankful.

Kinship of course, the one that bound us by blood. Our parents, our siblings, our grandparents, our relatives. I'm sure everyone by now know how close I had of a relationship with my parents. It came to a point that I will feel lost if they were gone.(CHOY AH!). But still I can't help thinking of where I will be let's say thirty years down the road. A spinster, a successful entrepreneur, a great designer, a lost art soul or a housewife?

 My mom, although she maybe a little insensitive at times, always saying the wrong things at the wrong time to me but actually deep down I knew she wants the best for me. Ok, I do bully my mama sometimes too so i'm not all saint too. She always called me her mother-in-law because I have the tendency to boss her around.

My dad, up till now my dad is kinda like my best friend. Last time when most people said I resembled my dad, i get easily piss or upset because come on who will ever want to look like your dad unless he's Andy Lau or Daniel Wu. Now, I just take it into my strike. Let them say all they want, It doesn't really bother me anymore. Maybe its my maturity kicking in or maybe I'm not too tense up on this because I have more depressing things that upset me. Okok back to my dad! My dad is the most supportive dad ever. Sometimes I really feel guilty spending so much money on my education( having to fail so many modules) and now I'm going on to another institution to pursue my interest in the arts. I have this fear that captivated me. They said that 'Arts feed your soul" but does it actually feeds you literally. I do not want to starve monetarily. I guess that I have to face up my fear and just really go for it, to constantly tell myself to work hard, perform well and not to give up if setback comes to me.

as for the sista,I practically leeched on her. She pays for my every entertainment in fact because I'm the world's niao person. She is a sister everyone will wish for. HAHAHA. so mushy bet she can't stand it but doubt she ever know this blog existed or maybe she knows but she doesn't read it.

As for relatives, guess that we are just bound my blood but with no emotional feelings or ties. I may be curt to say it but in most of our cases, don't you think how scarily true it is.

You may think that I am the most self centered and selfish people to base the power of a relationship by the returns you have received. I can even be closer to a stranger that do kind deeds to me then a relative with same blood ties but with stinky attitude directed to you. And isn't it true that receiving things from others( be it gifts or praises) can actually build a strong relationship overtime.

This boils down to the way you treat people in life. Don't say I never share but if you want people to care about you, please show it and not keep it in your heart. If the person treats you like shit, tell yourself you don't deserve this shit and do what do you do with shit, you flushed those bad people away just like how you flushed your shit down the toilet bowl.(sorry for being too figurative)

 I always believe in this that you are the ONLY ONE that can treat yourself badly, as for the others they don't have the right to do so.

Monday, June 3, 2013

5月-6 月

What happened in May: 

Sign up for a flea booth- intending to go big with Alpinestones 

Explore with accessories I never thought I could actually made. 

Create packaging for my accessories- ohmy I could do this forever. 

Set up a website selling accessories:
Do support ! 

Got into Lasalle( NTU no news still) 

Juggled between eating healthy and unhealthy food.

Lose friends

Stay-at-home girl 

Battling with face issues

Whipping up meals for myself 

Being alone 

What to expect in June:

Dirty dancing concert- with seventy percent sponsored by my sis

Staycation at MBS for the fourth and fifth time( parents worked very hard for it k)

Alpinestones first ever flea market on the 29 June at St James Power Station

Flying in more instocks for my company

Maybe getting a letter from NTU to either reject or accept me( I'm weighing on rejection letter) omg so long den inform me...

And yep try to be happier, stop sulking, go out more often, meet friends perhaps( my only friends are my parents) ugh okay not that I'm complaining cos every meal eaten outside is paid by them. Oh and I love them so much too!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013








              Staycation trip at MBS.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I wish I have the motivation, the looks and the style to at least dressed like one of fashion inspiration people in the photo.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


A typical Sunday morning blessed with great weather, awesome dining experience and a lovely company of family. Every Sunday ought to be like this.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Painting of my nails, blending of fruit juice- (on a eat clean diet) and a photo of a pretty rose chocolate ice-cream I have gotten online.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Transparency, I've nothing to hide.

To make this clutch 
Materials// A clear A4 size file, transparent thread, infinity hooks(cut and reuse from my old bracelet),bracelet clasps

Cut the A4 file into your desired size.
Sew both the sides
Cut tiny vertical slits at the bottom using penknife, slowly put the infinity hooks through the slits.
Fold top part and add in clasp in the middle.


Made by ASLY

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Happy Birthday to my dearest BFF Daphne Chen . Today is of cos a very special day for you. Sincerely wishing you happiness in everything that you pursue.  

Happy Birthday Diane! May happiness come knocking at your doorstep everyday.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


This is what people with so much time in their hands can accomplished- eating, cooking and doing manicure.

Monday, April 8, 2013